Monday, 26 March 2018

A glimpse of what Stable ICO Tokens (Crypto) all about

To solve the volatility factor in cryptocurrencies

About - Stable ICO Tokens
The concerning factor that is the most discussed aspect about cryptocurrencies is that the value constantly changes in a short span of time. Just think if you bought $100 worth of an ICO's token just a week earlier,and token falls to be worth lesser to $50? Incase the token is unlinked to anything but directly to the utility of the product,it means you have lost 2x the value within a week. No matter you care or not,but one who is a user shall surely be concerned. To solve this problem,stable tokens is an answer.

To be precise, stable tokens are an extremely simple concept. Just take the value of any currency,for eg: US Dollar (USD), and create a token that is similar to the value of that currency. Like 1 Tether token = $1 USD. There's a self assurance of stable tokens to become one of the most important kinds of cryptocurrencies due to their entirely efficient aspect.

It might sound great,but implementing stable tokens is not that easy task. Let's learn about stable tokens. The application and challenges concerning this kind of cryptocurrency.
About Fiat's, Commodity Currency and Stability
One of the concerning issue for stable tokens is the fact that they doesn't has a completely stable value, not even the US dollar. Few of the challenges affecting currency's value are: Inflation, the economy, and, import and export of goods. Do you know from where does government currencies deriving their value from?

Existing currencies (used ones) of the countries can be broken down into two types:
Fiat Currency-  In this kind of currency the value is backed by the government who issues it. It is a monetary unit. The value for a commodity backed currency is from a commodity, mainly either gold or silver. According to the worth of the currency, the more gold or silver the issuing government buys. In simple language,this is the core feature of a commodity backed currency.

To your knowledge, the US dollar was backed by gold,held in the federal reserve. In 1971 President Nixon entirely separated the value of gold from the US dollar, by moving the dollar from a commodity backed currency to a fiat currency. The results showed much lower purchase of the dollar, but an economy free of gold's demand and supply. This helped the government to keep a control over the value of the currency.

The drawback of commodity backed currency is that it's supply is juggled without control from the government. The benefit of a fiat currency is that one of the factors can be controlled by the controlling body, i.e. the total supply.

Using USD,as an example of supply influencing currency in case study, it is found that how a commodity backed currency can be criticized to big price shocks. Firstly, uncovered new gold reserves and secondly when people or organisations would reserve large amount of gold. This is clear graphically that as the world moved towards globalisation which involved trade with currencies and not backed by gold or silver, gold prices rose immensely while bonds and stocks were comparitively stable.

Stable tokens and stabilization
It is a commodity backed currency,whose value can be tied to different assests. Few stable tokens are backed by gold, silver, or even the US dollar. As the US dollar is not as unstable as any regular cryptocurrency, it offers some point of stability. As a collateral few tokens are buying gold quiet literally.
One of the most stirring use of a stable token is to act as a reserve currency in case anything            
suddenly happens in a cryptocurrency world that requires a non-volatile token. For example- if one wants to implement a loan in a smart contract in Ethereum, this loan could  technically insure this loan with the help of stable token. The process of insurance takes place in such a way- incase the loaner fails to repay in time, the interest could be calculated based off a comparitively stable store of value. This helps one in using the decentralized quality of Ethereum to operate transactions rather of it moving a bank while still maintaining the feature to insure such a loan.

Stable tokens in operation

Moreover, the stable tokens requires unique technical attention, for their implementation, meant for how to control their supply.
These attention involves, establishment of 2 tokens,both a stable token and a regular cryptocurrency with a stable token which acts like a bond and the regular cryptocurrency that acts like a share.

Comparing, a bond and a share,it is known that a bond is stable store  of value, whereas a share is a volatile store of value. If the value of the cryptocurrency varies too much, anytime, the supply can be controlled by the exchange of a certain amount of stable tokens. In case the value falls drastically, the issuer of the tokens can buy the stable token for a fixed amount of cryptocurrency and then destroy the excessive ones(cryptocurrency),
thus increasing value of every existing cryptotoken. If value rises too drastically the reverse occurs and much cryptocurrency is generated.

In such a way the value of the stable token is helpful in regulating the supply of another token to dock heavy inflation or deflation. As the stable token is constant in value to a fiat currency, it is simple to adjust how much to exchange to keep a relatively fixed amount.

These stable tokens offer a way to offset innate volatility in present days cryptocurrencies but as  trading do not permits for high investment returns, such that of Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Meanwhile few may criticize, but at some later time this needs to happen in concern for cryptocurrencies to possess widespread usage. They may lack few of the benefits from decentralization and are truely tied to fixed economies (such as the US economy meant for US backed stable tokens).
The answer is uncertain, as to which approach is apt. Moreover, there is a ray of hope that most probably regular cryptocurrencies and a hybrid of stable tokens can probably have both the benefits of the stability of a  regular fiat currency with proper  financial controls and that of a decentralized currency.

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